TICKET SALES... Which Schools when?
It all feels so real when you put one of the #BeTheMagic Festival bands on.
Anyway.... initial ticket sale information herein.
This is still coming together but it is the time to announce our outline sales strategy 3 months out from the event.
Tickets will be sold initially through schools with their approval and on dates and times to be confirmed in school within the following windows. Keep an eye out for posters or information in your school on how to get a ticket. Look out for sales of our #BeTheMagic festival wristbands! Remember this specific #BeTheMagic Ball is for Year 9 and 10 children only:
During week commencing 14th May 2018 - Parkstone Grammar School Students
21st May to 11th June 2018 - Addition of Poole Grammar School and others that have confirmed their interest to sell tickets directly or via appointed student representatives.
11th June to 13th July 2018 - General Sale to all schools who contact us with interest to offer tickets to their students. Sold direct or via student representatives or via other methods to be confirmed. Additional sales window may be open thereafter but unlikely.
If you want to be guaranteed a standard ticket, get one of the #BeTheMagic festival wristbands when you can. You will be guaranteed a ticket if you have one of these!
Some people have asked why certain schools get priority over others. Well, this is due to existing connections and to manage the sales to a degree. But if your school really wants to get involved and get ahead of the sales curve in any way, please contact us and we will see what we can do....
Oh yes, make sure you are in your teachers' good books as they will have the option not to allow individual students to attend who is on report for any type of ill discipline. If that happens after you have bought your ticket you will need to take the matter up with them. Sorry, but we have to share the serious messages as well as the fun ones.
Finally, all parents should note that Halo Bournemouth will be treating this like any other event, with full security, safety and management of the premises on the night. They have offered the club and all facilities to us free of charge for the event. See our FAQ post for more Q&As.